Welcome to the Metokos Discussion Board

While the Metokos Discussion Board is set up in a blog format, allowing comments, our hope is that it will be treated more as a discussion page on issues affecting smaller churches. While posts will not require pre-approval, we do ask that each person register and then sign in before posting. By capturing your name and email address (which will not be published without your permission) we can develop a mailing list for the ministry. We encourage our readers to send us articles they believe would be helpful for others to read – perhaps the story of success in some ministry or practice in your congregation that you would like to share. We would also welcome questions you have that you would like to see answered and opened up for discussion. At this point, we are not set up to receive proposals and questions within the website framework, so simply send anything you have to don@metokos.org and be sure to use METOKOS DISCUSSION BOARD as the email subject line

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